Strategic Radiology Launches New Web Site
December 21, 2017

If you hadn’t noticed, you may be surprised to see that Strategic Radiology has a brand new, mobile-responsive web site.  Take a few minutes for a test drive.

On the home page, you’ll see that there are four user experiences to meet the needs of our primary visitors: radiologists, hospital executives, payers and other partners, and patients.

Each section is designed to provide information that helps visitors understand the value that Strategic Radiology practices contribute to health care. 

Our patient site includes much of the content that was found on the ground-breaking My-Radiologist web site created several years ago by the marketing directors of a half dozen core Strategic Radiology practices. Patients will find answers to basic questions about radiology, as well as guidance in finding a high-quality medical imaging provider.

We also are building a Member Portal where members will have access to a Directory, more detailed Member Benefit information, details about products and services that SR provides, and downloadable Strategic Radiology marketing materials and communication templates. 

If you lose your way as you are exploring, just click the hamburger menu in the upper right hand corner (three stacked horizontal lines) to get back to where you want to go.

A few notable features include:

A Decision Support Tool to help non-member radiology practices decide if the Strategic Radiology coalition would be a good fit for them.

A Zip Code Finder that enables users to find the Strategic Radiology member practice that is closest to them.

A Member Practice page that provides vital statistics and a few pertinent details about our member practices.

The Local Radiology page in the radiologist site: This demonstrates why Strategic Radiology is working to support the independent, private radiology practice.

Getting to our new web site was a group effort, so if you like what you see and you know or work with any of these extremely talented individuals, please give them a high five.

Web/Rebrand Subcommittee

Kyle Baril

Mary Christensen

Mike Kocsis

Ava Rivers

Katie Robbins


Marketing Committee

Adam Fogle, Chair

Christopher Hedley, MD, Physician Liaison

Debi Brannan

David Howard

Clint McClurg

Alicia Vazquez

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